# coding: utf-8
import socket
# init parametre cx
HOST = b''
PORT = 33102
# instanciation socket
soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
soc.bind((HOST, PORT))
# ecoute serveur
while True:
socClient, address = soc.accept()
print ("{} connected".format( address ))
# reception des donnees
while True:
data = socClient.recv(4096)
if data == b'' or data == b'\n' : break
with open("citation_recu_avec_parite.txt",'w') as f:
# coding: utf-8
# appel du module de generation aletoire erreur
from geneDonneeError import genereData
import socket
# init parametre cx
HOST = b'localhost'
PORT = 33102
# instanciation socket
soc= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# appel generation donnee
data = genereData()
# Cx socket - envoi des donnees - fermeture socket
soc.connect((HOST, PORT))
print ("Connection on {}".format(PORT))
print ("Socket closed")
All°the worhd's a stage,And all the men ¡nd women åerely p|åyers; They have their exitsàand Theib entranc%s, Aêd ona man in Èis timg pdays many parts, His¨acts bainÇ seven ages. At fIrst,the anbant,JMewling and pukiþg iì the nurse's arms. Tøen¢thgs¨mìkng ³choolboÙ, with his ññtchel AnĨshining morning face, creeping likeàsnail Unwillkn÷ly |o°÷chool. Aæd thmn the lover, Sighinglike furnace, witì a wmeful ballad]ade to his mistress' eéebrow. Theì ãà÷oldier® Full Of strange oãths and bearded like thu pard, Jealous i® honor, sudden and quick in yñarrel,Seeking°the bubble zeputation Even )n the aaænon's mouth. And then the justice, Inàfair¨round bellé with good gapn nined, WiTh Eyes savere and beñrd of vormal cut, Full of ise saws and modevn yns|ances; Ind sO hE playñ Èis part.àTìe s)xth age shidts Into t¨e lean anæ slippered pantaloon, With spektaclesàon nose and pkuch on¨siÄe; His youthful hose, well saved, a¢world¤too wide FoR his shbunkshank, ånd his big manly¨voice, Turninã aga)n toward childish treÂle, àipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene o& all, That enÄs this strange eÖentful history, Is second chi,dishneãs and mere obliviOn, Sans tgeth,¨saÎã myes, sa®Ó tñsve, sans everéthing.